Find Rosie ’s work at:

CRWST, Priory St. Cardigan SA43 1BU

Rosie is a textile artist living near Llandovery, Carmarthenshire. Her graphic compositions explore the juxtaposition of shape, texture, and line, revealing their endless possibilities. She skilfully combines these elements to create visually striking and serene pieces.

For her commission, Rosie has chosen the artwork "Pentaptych No.4" by Merlyn Evans. This piece resonates with her because it encompasses many of the elements she considers in her own work, such as shape, texture, and line. Upon close inspection, the artwork reveals numerous smaller compositions, shapes, and intricate mark-making details that inspire her. Rosie is particularly drawn to the contrast between strong shapes and dark colours against white space and delicate details. She plans to highlight these aspects in her work by using a combination of solid areas and sheer, see-through elements.

Merlyn Oliver Evans

‘Pentaptych No.4’

 © Merlyn Oliver Evans/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales

Film by Ellie Orrell