Mohamed Hassan
We are delighted to share that photographer Mohamed Hassan has been selected to create new work that will have a permanent home in Oriel Myrddin Gallery, upon reopening this autumn. Ahead of Mohamed beginning work on his commission, Threads of Belonging, we caught up with him to talk about his journey into photography, his creative process, and what he hopes to explore through this project.
Q+A With Abby Poulson
We’re delighted to welcome Abby Poulson to the Oriel Myrddin Gallery team! Abby is an accomplished photographer, with a passion for connecting with communities and exploring the landscapes of Wales. Having worked with us previously on Criw Celf, Abby brings creativity, experience, and enthusiasm to her new role in community outreach.
Oriel Myrddin Gallery Commission: Call for Artwork Proposals
Oriel Myrddin is undergoing a huge transformation, and we’re excited to announce a commission opportunity specifically for global majority* artists.
We’re inviting proposals for a new visual artwork in any medium that celebrates the contributions of global majority people in Wales, recognising their impact on the nation’s history, culture, and identity.
OM is seeking a suitable candidate to work as an Engagement Curator on a unique two-year programme for the visual arts and heritage sector in Wales.
The Resilient River of Creativity: A Journey Through i fyny
As an emerging artist, my journey through the i fyny programme felt like navigating a river of creativity with its gentle streams and turbulent rapids.
i fyny: Mentorship
i fyny: Mentorship
As part of the I Fyny journey we each received three sessions with a mentor. They helped us with ideas and grounding our artistic practices alongside our Wednesday sessions of developing our professional practices. Something which I really wanted to develop in my practice is this idea of how painting can be translated through a sculptural lens. This is why I was excited to have Lisa Evans as a mentor. She is the head of Sculpture at Carmarthen School of Art and has a wealth of knowledge in casting, specifically iron pouring. Through our three sessions we explored casting, projects, and plans for the future.
Turner Prize
Our Community Art Co-ordinator Emily Laurens, offers up her thoughts on this years Turner Prize